
Regardless of your attitude to taking a risk with your money/investment choices, we all recognise the importance of investing and/or saving money for many reasons. Whether it is saving for a house deposit, education fees, business investment or that rainy day, we all hope to get a good return on the money we invested.

You may be comfortable leaving your money on deposit with a bank.
You may wish to invest it in Stocks and Shares through various vehicles.
You may want access to your money quickly or you may be happy to leave it for a longer time.
As with all of our advice, we tailor any plan to suit your stated requirements and appetite for risk.
We spend a long time with our customers ensuring we understand their needs and that they in turn are comfortable with their investment.

We ask you for one or two hours of your time to stealthily go through this with you in detail.

How to Save Money Correctly

You may have occasional lump sums and wonder how to save money or invest it correctly so you get the best return possible. Not only do we keep ourselves informed on all products normally offered by the companies we deal with, but also those which are available for short periods of time only.

IFC Finance also provide advice on long-term savings plans such as a Pension or PRSA.

Contact us for a Free Initial Discussion about your Investment & Savings requirements.